Wikipedia is one of the richest knowledge sources on the Web today. In order to facilitate navigating, searching, and maintaining its content, Wikipedia's guidelines state that all articles should be annotated with a so-called short description indicating the article's topic (e.g., the short description of beer is "Alcoholic drink made from fermented cereal grains"). Nonetheless, a large fraction of articles (ranging from 10.2% in Dutch to 99.7% in Kazakh) have no short description yet, with detrimental effects for millions of Wikipedia users. Motivated by this problem, we introduce the novel task of automatically generating short descriptions for Wikipedia articles and propose Descartes, a multilingual model for tackling it. Descartes integrates three sources of information to generate an article description in a target language: the text of the article in all its language versions, the already-existing descriptions (if any) of the article in other languages, and semantic type information obtained from a knowledge graph. We evaluate a Descartes model trained for handling 25 languages simultaneously, showing that it beats baselines (including a strong translation-based baseline) and performs on par with monolingual models tailored for specific languages. A human evaluation on three languages further shows that the quality of Descartes's descriptions is largely indistinguishable from that of human-written descriptions; e.g., 91.3% of our English descriptions (vs. 92.1% of human-written descriptions) pass the bar for inclusion in Wikipedia, suggesting that Descartes is ready for production, with the potential to support human editors in filling a major gap in today's Wikipedia across languages.
翻译:维基百科是今天网上最丰富的知识来源之一。 为了方便浏览、搜索和维护其内容,维基百科的指南规定,所有文章都应附加注释,加上一个所谓的简短描述,说明文章的主题(例如,啤酒的简短描述是“发酵谷物谷类的酒精饮料”)。然而,一大部分文章(荷兰语为10.2%至哈萨克语的99.7%不等)还没有简短描述,这对维基百科的数百万用户造成了有害影响。受这一问题的驱使,我们引入了为维基百科文章自动生成简短描述的新任务,并提出了Descartes,这是一个处理文章的多语言模型。Descars整合了三种信息来源,以目标语言生成文章描述:文章的所有语言版本,其他语言的已有描述(如果有的话),以及从知识图表中获取的语系类型信息。我们同时培训了Descartes 模式处理25种语言,显示它比基线(包括强有力的基于翻译的基线)要强的Descarterestread。Dretas, 和9 oral dequilal dedustrations a cureal devistal deviews dredududududududududududududealds) 三个的人类语言的人类语言的缩缩。