Cell-free massive MIMO is a variant of multiuser MIMO and massive MIMO, in which the total number of antennas $LM$ is distributed among the $L$ remote radio units (RUs) in the system, enabling macrodiversity and joint processing. Due to pilot contamination and system scalability, each RU can only serve a limited number of users. Obtaining the optimal number of users simultaneously served on one resource block (RB) by the $L$ RUs regarding the sum spectral efficiency (SE) is not a simple challenge though, as many of the system parameters are intertwined. For example, the dimension $\tau_p$ of orthogonal Demodulation Reference Signal (DMRS) pilots limits the number of users that an RU can serve. Thus, depending on $\tau_p$, the optimal user load yielding the maximum sum SE will vary. Another key parameter is the users' uplink transmit power $P^{\rm ue}_{\rm tx}$, where a trade-off between users in outage, interference and energy inefficiency exists. We study the effect of multiple parameters in cell-free massive MIMO on the sum SE and user outage, as well as the performance of different levels of RU antenna distribution. We provide extensive numerical investigations to illuminate the behavior of the system SE with respect to the various parameters, including the effect of the system load, i.e., the number of active users to be served on any RB. The results show that in general a system with many RUs and few RU antennas yields the largest sum SE, where the benefits of distributed antennas reduce in very dense networks.
翻译:大型无细胞MIMO是多种用户MIMIM和大型MIMO的变体,其中天线的总数($LM$)分布在系统中的远程无线电单位(RUS)之间,能够实现宏观多样性和联合处理。由于试点污染和系统可扩缩,每个RIM只能为数量有限的用户服务。获得一个资源区块(RB)同时使用的最大用户数量(RB)并不是一个简单的挑战,因为许多系统参数相互交织。例如,天线的尺寸($Tau_p$)在系统中的远程无线电单位(RUS)中分布,使得巨型电路标信号(DMRS)试点限制了用户数量。因此,根据$(tau_p$),每个RIMO的最佳用户负荷将产生最大数量。另一个关键参数是用户的上端传输电源($Pürm eurm tx$),用户之间在断层、干扰和节能中交易。我们研究SEO的运行率(SEO)的多重参数(SU)在Sereal Systemal 系统中产生最大效果,我们的Sereal 的Seal 的Seal 流流值(Sereal)系统,在Seal lial 的计算中,在Seal 的计算系统上提供了一个最大规模的运行系统上,我们的运行的运行的运行的计算。