Insider threat is one of the most pernicious threat vectors to information and communication technologies (ICT)across the world due to the elevated level of trust and access that an insider is afforded. This type of threat can stem from both malicious users with a motive as well as negligent users who inadvertently reveal details about trade secrets, company information, or even access information to malignant players. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that uses system logs to detect insider behavior using a special recurrent neural network (RNN) model. Ground truth is established using DANTE and used as the baseline for identifying anomalous behavior. For this, system logs are modeled as a natural language sequence and patterns are extracted from these sequences. We create workflows of sequences of actions that follow a natural language logic and control flow. These flows are assigned various categories of behaviors - malignant or benign. Any deviation from these sequences indicates the presence of a threat. We further classify threats into one of the five categories provided in the CERT insider threat dataset. Through experimental evaluation, we show that the proposed model can achieve 99% prediction accuracy.
翻译:内部威胁是全世界信息和通信技术(ICT)的最有害威胁载体之一,因为一个内幕者得到的信任和准入程度较高。这种威胁可能来自具有动机的恶意用户,也可能来自无意中透露贸易秘密、公司信息、甚至恶性玩家的信息的疏忽用户。在本文中,我们提出一种新颖的方法,利用系统日志,使用特殊的经常性神经网络(RNN)模型来探测内幕行为。地面真相是用DANTE建立起来的,并用作查明异常行为的基线。为此,系统日志以自然语言序列为模型,从这些序列中提取模式。我们创建了遵循自然语言逻辑和控制流程的行动序列流程。这些流程被划分为各种类型的行为 — 恶性或良性。任何偏离这些序列的行为都表明存在威胁。我们进一步将威胁分类为CERT内端威胁数据集提供的五类中的一种。我们通过实验评估表明,拟议的模型可以达到99%的准确性。