Prompted by modern technologies in data acquisition, the statistical analysis of spatially distributed function-valued quantities has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. In particular, combinations of functional variables and spatial point processes yield a highly challenging instance of such modern spatial data applications. Indeed, the analysis of spatial random point configurations, where the point attributes themselves are functions rather than scalar-valued quantities, is just in its infancy, and extensions to function-valued quantities still remain limited. In this view, we extend current existing first- and second-order summary characteristics for real-valued point attributes to the case where in addition to every spatial point location a set of distinct function-valued quantities are available. Providing a flexible treatment of more complex point process scenarios, we build a framework to consider points with multivariate function-valued marks, and develop sets of different cross-function (cross-type and also multi-function cross-type) versions of summary characteristics that allow for the analysis of highly demanding modern spatial point process scenarios. We consider estimators of the theoretical tools and analyse their behaviour through a simulation study and two real data applications.