Passwords, a first line of defense against unauthorized access, must be secure and memorable. However, people often struggle to create secure passwords they can recall. To address this problem, we design Password inspiration by eXploring information (PiXi), a novel approach to nudge users towards creating secure passwords. PiXi is the first of its kind that employs a password creation nudge to support users in the task of generating a unique secure password themselves. PiXi prompts users to explore unusual information right before creating a password, to shake them out of their typical habits and thought processes, and to inspire them to create unique (and therefore stronger) passwords. PiXi's design aims to create an engaging, interactive, and effective nudge to improve secure password creation. We conducted a user study ($N=238$) to compare the efficacy of PiXi to typical password creation. Our findings indicate that PiXi's nudges do influence users' password choices such that passwords are significantly longer and more secure (less predictable and guessable).
翻译:密码是防止未经授权访问的第一道防线,必须既安全又易记。然而,人们经常很难创建既安全又容易记忆的密码。为了解决这个问题,我们设计了通过探究信息来激发密码创新的灵感(PiXi),这种新颖方法旨在帮助用户创建安全的密码。PiXi 是首个采用密码生成激励的方法,支持用户自行生成独特且安全的密码。PiXi 对用户进行促使,让他们在创建密码之前探索不寻常的信息,摆脱他们的典型习惯和思维过程,并启发他们创造独特的(因此更加安全)密码。PiXi 的设计旨在创建一个引人入胜、交互性强且有效的提示,改进安全密码的创建。我们进行了一项用户研究($N=238$)来比较 PiXi 与典型密码创建的效果。我们的研究结果表明,PiXi 的暗示确实影响了用户的密码选择,使密码变得更长、更安全(不那么可预测和可猜测)。