This thesis presents methods and approaches to image color correction, color enhancement, and color editing. To begin, we study the color correction problem from the standpoint of the camera's image signal processor (ISP). A camera's ISP is hardware that applies a series of in-camera image processing and color manipulation steps, many of which are nonlinear in nature, to render the initial sensor image to its final photo-finished representation saved in the 8-bit standard RGB (sRGB) color space. As white balance (WB) is one of the major procedures applied by the ISP for color correction, this thesis presents two different methods for ISP white balancing. Afterward, we discuss another scenario of correcting and editing image colors, where we present a set of methods to correct and edit WB settings for images that have been improperly white-balanced by the ISP. Then, we explore another factor that has a significant impact on the quality of camera-rendered colors, in which we outline two different methods to correct exposure errors in camera-rendered images. Lastly, we discuss post-capture auto color editing and manipulation. In particular, we propose auto image recoloring methods to generate different realistic versions of the same camera-rendered image with new colors. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that our methods provide superior solutions compared to existing alternatives targeting color correction, color enhancement, and color editing.
翻译:此日志展示图像色彩校正、 色彩增强和色彩编辑的方法和办法。 首先, 我们从相机图像信号处理器( ISP) 的角度来研究色彩校正问题。 相机的 ISP 是硬件, 应用一系列摄像机图像处理和色彩操控步骤, 其中许多是非线性化的, 将初始传感器图像转化为在 8 位标准 RGB (sRGB) 颜色空间中保存的最后光成色显示。 白平衡( WB) 是 ISP 用于色彩校正的主要程序之一, 这篇论文展示了两种不同的 ISP 白色平衡方法 。 之后, 我们讨论另一种校正和编辑图像颜色的颜色颜色的情景, 我们用一套方法来校正和编辑那些被 ISP 偏差的图像。 然后, 我们探索另一个对摄像仪质量有重大影响的因素, 我们用新的颜色选择方法来演示新的颜色选择, 并且通过新的颜色选择, 我们用新的颜色选择, 来展示我们现有的图像变色的颜色选择方法, 来演示现有的更真的颜色选择。