Geolocated time series, i.e., time series associated with certain locations, abound in many modern applications. In this paper, we consider hybrid queries for retrieving geolocated time series based on filters that combine spatial distance and time series similarity. For the latter, unlike existing work, we allow filtering based on local similarity, which is computed based on subsequences rather than the entire length of each series, thus allowing the discovery of more fine-grained trends and patterns. To efficiently support such queries, we first leverage the state-of-the-art BTSR-tree index, which utilizes bounds over both the locations and the shapes of time series to prune the search space. Moreover, we propose optimizations that check at specific timestamps to identify candidate time series that may exceed the required local similarity threshold. To further increase pruning power, we introduce the SBTSR-tree index, an extension to BTSR-tree, which additionally segments the time series temporally, allowing the construction of tighter bounds. Our experimental results on several real-world datasets demonstrate that SBTSR-tree can provide answers much faster for all examined query types. This paper has been published in the 27th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019).
翻译:地理定位时间序列,即与某些地点相关的时间序列,在许多现代应用中有许多现代应用。本文考虑基于空间距离和时间序列相似性的过滤器获取地理定位时间序列的混合查询。对于后者,与现有工作不同,我们允许根据本地相似性进行过滤,而本地相似性是根据次序列而不是每个序列的整个长度计算的,从而能够发现更细化的趋势和模式。为了有效地支持这些查询,我们首先利用最先进的BTSR树类索引,该索引利用时间序列的位置和形状的界限,将搜索空间拉平。此外,我们提议优化在特定时间戳检查中检查可能超过所需本地相似性阈值的候选时间序列。为了进一步增强运行能力,我们引入SBTSR树类指数,该指数的扩展至BTSR树类,该时间序列的延长部分为时间序列,从而能够构建更紧密的条框。我们在几个真实世界数据序列和时间序列上的实验结果显示,SBATSR-Creasure系统在SBIAR-Channex Instal Instal Creal Creal Creasystem 中提供所有更快的SISISISISISISAL-IASRCRIal Real Real Real Real Reports。