The frequency of the preferred order for a noun phrase formed by demonstrative, numeral, adjective and noun has received significant attention over the last two decades. We investigate the actual distribution of the preferred 24 possible orders. There is no consensus on whether it can be well-fitted by an exponential or a power law distribution. We find that an exponential distribution is a much better model. This finding and other circumstances where an exponential-like distribution is found challenge the view that power-law distributions, e.g., Zipf's law for word frequencies, are inevitable. We also investigate which of two exponential distributions gives a better fit: an exponential model where the 24 orders have non-zero probability or an exponential model where the number of orders that can have non-zero probability is variable. When parsimony and generalizability are prioritized, we find strong support for the exponential model where all 24 orders have non-zero probability. This finding suggests that there is no hard constraint on word order variation and then unattested orders merely result from undersampling, consistently with Cysouw's view.