This preprint makes the claim of having computed the $9^{th}$ Dedekind Number. This was done by building an efficient FPGA Accelerator for the core operation of the process, and parallelizing it on the Noctua 2 Supercluster at Paderborn University. The resulting value is 286386577668298411128469151667598498812366. This value can be verified in two steps. We have made the data file containing the 490M results available, each of which can be verified separately on CPU, and the whole file sums to our proposed value.
翻译:本预印本声称已经计算出第九个 Dedekind 数。这是通过为流程的核心操作建立高效的 FPGA 加速器,并将其并行化在Paderborn大学的Noctua 2超级计算机上完成的。得到的值为286386577668298411128469151667598498812366。这个值可以通过两个步骤进行验证。我们已经提供包含 4.9 亿个结果的数据文件,每个结果可以在 CPU 上单独验证,整个文件总和为我们提出的值。