Electrical characteristics $(I(eV), dV/dI(eV), d^{2}V/dI^{2}(eV))$ are studied comprehensively for pressed submicron point contacts between fresh fractures of LaSrCuO ceramic pellets and a normal metal (Cu). Point contacts (PC) with the direct-type conductivity are investigated, which are characterized by a considerable excess current due to Andreev reflection of quasiparticles at an NS boundary of high transparency. Basic requirements for point contacts suitable for PC measurements are formulated. The models of investigated point contacts permitting the interpretation of the observed characteristics are considered. The results of measurement of the energy gap reveal that LaSrCuO is a superconductor with a strong coupling since the maximum value of the ratio $2\Delta/kT\simeq 11$. It is found that superconducting properties may vary appreciably over distances of several tens of angstroms, resulting in some cases in the simultaneous emergence of two gaps corresponding to two critical temperatures. The $dV/dI(eV)$ and $d^{2}V/dI^{2}(eV)$ curves display some high-intensity singularities whose position on the eV-axis is practically independent of temperature and correlates with the phonon spectrum obtained in neutron scattering experiments. This points to a strong electron-phonon interaction in LaSrCuO.
翻译:电子特性 $( I( eV), dV/ dI( eV), d ⁇ 2} V/ dI( eV), d ⁇ 2} V/ dI2} (eV), 美元是全面研究的,因为LaSrCuO 陶瓷颗粒的新断裂与普通金属( Cu) 之间按压的亚微点接触。 调查点接触( PC) 与直接类型导导电率的最大值为 2\ Delta/ kT\ simeq 11美元。 发现由于安德烈夫在高度透明的国家边界对准粒粒子的反射,超导性能有相当大的超量。 正在考虑适合个人计算机测量的点接触的基本要求。 考虑调查点接触模型,以便解释观察到的特性。 能源差距的测量结果显示, LaSrCuOO是一个超级导体, 自2Delta/ kTIMEq.111美元的最大值以来, 超导性能特性可能因若干个亚氏度距离距离而明显不同,导致两个临界温度( evv) exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx