HotStuff is a state-of-the-art Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus protocol. It can be pipelined to build large-scale blockchains. One of its variants called LibraBFT is adopted in Facebook's Libra blockchain. Although it is well known that pipelined HotStuff is secure against up to $1/3$ of Byzantine nodes, its performance in terms of throughput and delay is still under-explored. In this paper, we develop a multi-metric evaluation framework to quantitatively analyze pipelined \mbox{HotStuff's performance} with respect to its chain growth rate, chain quality, and latency. We then propose two attack strategies and evaluate their effects on the performance of pipelined HotStuff. Our analysis shows that the chain growth rate (resp, chain quality) of pipelined HotStuff under our attacks can drop to as low as 4/9 (resp, 12/17) of that without attacks when $1/3$ nodes are Byzantine. As another application, we use our framework to evaluate certain engineering optimizations adopted by LibraBFT. We find that these optimizations make the system more vulnerable to our attacks than the original pipelined HotStuff. Finally, we provide two countermeasures to thwart these attacks. We hope that our studies can shed light on the rigorous understanding of the state-of-the-art pipelined HotStuff protocol as well as its variants.
翻译:热点是最新的Byzantine断裂容忍共识协议。 它可以用来建造大型的链条。 它的一个变体叫做 LibraBFT, 在Facebook 的 Libra 条块链中被采用。 虽然众所周知管道热点在Byzantine节点的1/3美元上是安全的, 但是它的输油量和延迟的性能仍然在探索中。 在本文中, 我们开发了一个多度评价框架, 以定量分析输油管的链条增速、 链质量和延缓性能。 我们然后提出两个攻击战略, 并评估其对输油管热点的效果。 我们的分析表明,我们攻击的输油管热点的增速率( 重压、 链质) 可以降到4/9( 重复, 12/17) 低度, 而当1/3美元的输油管节点是Byzantine时, 我们用这个框架来评估某些脆弱的 输油管攻击 。