Many applications need up-to-date copies of collections of changing Web resources. Such synchronization is currently achieved using ad-hoc or proprietary solutions. We propose ResourceSync, a general Web resource synchronization protocol that leverages XML Sitemaps. It provides a set of capabilities that can be combined in a modular manner to meet local or community requirements. We report on work to implement this protocol for and also provide an experimental prototype for the English Wikipedia as well as a client API.
翻译:许多应用程序需要更新正在变化的网络资源收藏的最新副本。 这种同步目前是通过临时或专有解决方案实现的。 我们提议使用 XML Smitaps 的通用网络资源同步协议“资源同步协议 ” 。 它提供了一套能力,可以模块化的方式组合起来,以满足当地或社区的需求。 我们报告 执行这一协议的工作,并为英语维基百科和客户 API 提供一个实验性原型。