Teleoperation tasks with multi-agent systems have a high potential in supporting human-swarm collaborative teams in exploration and rescue operations. However, it requires an intuitive and adaptive control approach to ensure swarm stability in a cluttered and dynamically shifting environment. We propose a novel human-swarm interaction system, allowing the user to control swarm position and formation by either direct hand motion or by trajectory drawing with a hand gesture interface based on the DNN gesture recognition. The key technology of the SwarmPaint is the user's ability to perform various tasks with the swarm without additional devices by switching between interaction modes. Two types of interaction were proposed and developed to adjust a swarm behavior: free-form trajectory generation control and shaped formation control. Two preliminary user studies were conducted to explore user's performance and subjective experience from human-swarm interaction through the developed control modes. The experimental results revealed a sufficient accuracy in the trajectory tracing task (mean error of 5.6 cm by gesture draw and 3.1 cm by mouse draw with the pattern of dimension 1 m by 1 m) over three evaluated trajectory patterns and up to 7.3 cm accuracy in targeting task with two target patterns of 1 m achieved by SwarmPaint interface. Moreover, the participants evaluated the trajectory drawing interface as more intuitive (12.9 %) and requiring less effort to utilize (22.7%) than direct shape and position control by gestures, although its physical workload and failure in performance were presumed as more significant (by 9.1% and 16.3%, respectively).
翻译:多试剂系统的远程操作任务在支持探索和救援行动中的人类暖化协作团队方面具有很大潜力。然而,这需要一种直观和适应性的控制方法,以确保在杂乱和动态变化的环境中形成群状稳定。我们提议了一个新型的人类暖化互动系统,使用户能够通过直接手动或通过基于 DNN 手势识别的手势界面来控制群状位置和形成轨迹。SwarmPaint 的关键技术是用户通过在互动模式之间转换,在没有额外设备的情况下执行群状的各种任务的能力。提出和开发了两种类型的互动,以调整群状行为:自由形式轨迹生成控制和形成控制。我们进行了两项初步用户研究,以探索用户通过开发的控制模式通过人类暖化互动产生的性能和主观体验。实验结果表明,轨迹追踪任务(5.6厘米通过手势绘制,3.1厘米通过鼠标绘制,且具有1米比1的体位模式)在三种经过评估的轨迹模式下完成各种任务,以及达到7.3厘米的参与者在2个目标轨迹上的精确度上,通过2 m 的进度对比(通过测测算)在16厘米的进度中完成了1比22的进度中完成了。