We design a fast algorithm that computes, for a given linear differential operator with coefficients in Z[ ], all the characteristic polynomials of its-curvatures, for all primes < , in asymptotically quasi-linear bit complexity in. We discuss implementations and applications of our algorithm. We shall see in particular that the good performances of our algorithm are quickly visible. CCS CONCEPTS $\bullet$ Computing methodologies $\rightarrow$ Algebraic algorithms.
翻译:我们设计了一个快速算法,为某个具有Z[ ]系数的线性差运算员计算出其精度的所有典型多面性,所有质值都计算出来。我们讨论算法的实施和应用。我们特别可以看到我们的算法的好性能很快可见。CCS CONCEPTS $\ bulllet$ 计算方法 $\rightrow$ Algebraic 算法 $\rightlorial$ 代数 。