There has been growing interest within the computational science and engineering (CSE) community in engaging with software engineering research -- the systematic study of software systems and their development, operation, and maintenance -- to solve challenges in scientific software development. Historically, there has been little interaction between scientific computing and the field, which has held back progress. With the ranks of scientific software teams expanding to include software engineering researchers and practitioners, we can work to build bridges to software science and reap the rewards of evidence-based practice in software development.
翻译:计算科学和工程界对参与软件工程研究 -- -- 系统研究软件系统及其开发、操作和维护 -- -- 以解决科学软件开发方面的挑战的兴趣日益浓厚。历史上,科学计算与领域之间几乎没有互动,这阻碍了进步。随着科学软件团队队伍的扩大,包括软件工程研究人员和从业人员,我们可以努力建立与软件科学的桥梁,并收获软件开发方面循证实践的回报。