The era of Big Data has brought with it a richer understanding of user behavior through massive data sets, which can help organizations optimize the quality of their services. In the context of transportation research, mobility data can provide Municipal Authorities (MA) with insights on how to operate, regulate, or improve the transportation network. Mobility data, however, may contain sensitive information about end users and trade secrets of Mobility Providers (MP). Due to this data privacy concern, MPs may be reluctant to contribute their datasets to MA. Using ideas from cryptography, we propose a distributed computation protocol between a MA and a MP in which MA obtains insights from mobility data without MP having to reveal its trade secrets or sensitive data of its users. This is accomplished in two steps: a commitment step, and a computation step. In the first step, Merkle commitments and aggregated traffic measurements are used to generate a cryptographic commitment. In the second step, MP extracts insights from the data and sends them to MA. Using the commitment and zero-knowledge proofs, MA can certify that the information received from MP is accurate, without needing to directly inspect the mobility data. The protocol is strategyproof for both MA and MP in the sense that they cannot benefit from strategic behavior. The protocol can be readily extended to the more realistic setting with multiple MPs via secure multi-party computation.