Skeleton-based human action recognition technologies are increasingly used in video based applications, such as home robotics, healthcare on aging population, and surveillance. However, such models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, raising serious concerns for their use in safety-critical applications. To develop an effective defense against attacks, it is essential to understand how such attacks mislead the pose detection models into making incorrect predictions. We present SkeletonVis, the first interactive system that visualizes how the attacks work on the models to enhance human understanding of attacks.
翻译:基于克隆人的人类行动识别技术越来越多地用于视频应用,如家用机器人、老年人医疗保健和监视等。然而,这些模型很容易受到对抗性攻击,引起人们对在安全关键应用中使用这些模型的严重关切。 要有效防范攻击,就必须了解这些攻击如何误导形状检测模型做出不正确的预测。 我们介绍Skeleton Visisis,这是第一个可直观这些攻击如何在模型上发挥作用以提高人类对攻击的理解的互动式系统。