We address the problem of using observational data to estimate peer contagion effects, the influence of treatments applied to individuals in a network on the outcomes of their neighbors. A main challenge to such estimation is that homophily - the tendency of connected units to share similar latent traits - acts as an unobserved confounder for contagion effects. Informally, it's hard to tell whether your friends have similar outcomes because they were influenced by your treatment, or whether it's due to some common trait that caused you to be friends in the first place. Because these common causes are not usually directly observed, they cannot be simply adjusted for. We describe an approach to perform the required adjustment using node embeddings learned from the network itself. The main aim is to perform this adjustment nonparametrically, without functional form assumptions on either the process that generated the network or the treatment assignment and outcome processes. The key contributions are to nonparametrically formalize the causal effect in a way that accounts for homophily, and to show how embedding methods can be used to identify and estimate this effect. Code is available at https://github.com/IrinaCristali/Peer-Contagion-on-Networks.
翻译:我们处理的是使用观察数据来估计同伴传染效应的问题,在网络中对个人施用治疗对邻居结果的影响问题。这种估计面临的一个主要挑战是,单词式的-连接单位倾向于分享相似的隐性特征-作为传染效应的未观察到的混淆器。非正式地说,很难判断你的朋友是否具有相似的结果,因为他们受到你的治疗的影响,或者是否是由于某些共同特征导致你首先成为朋友。由于这些共同原因通常不是直接观察的,因此不能简单地调整这些共同原因。我们描述了使用从网络本身学到的节点嵌入进行所需调整的方法。我们的主要目的是进行这种非对称式的调整,而不对产生网络的过程或治疗分配和结果过程进行功能性假设。关键的贡献是,不以对立的方式将因果关系正式化,以同一方式说明如何使用嵌入方法来确定和估计这一效果。代码可在 https://github.com/ Irincristali/Peer-tagor.com查阅 http://gres://github.com/ Irina-stal-stable.