Approximate message passing (AMP) is a low-cost iterative parameter-estimation technique for certain high-dimensional linear systems with non-Gaussian distributions. AMP only applies to independent identically distributed (IID) transform matrices, but may become unreliable (e.g., perform poorly or even diverge) for other matrix ensembles, especially for ill-conditioned ones. To solve this issue, orthogonal/vector AMP (OAMP/VAMP) was proposed for general right-unitarily-invariant matrices. However, the Bayes-optimal OAMP/VAMP (BO-OAMP/VAMP) requires a high-complexity linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator. This prevents OAMP/VAMP from being used in large-scale systems. To address the drawbacks of AMP and BO-OAMP/VAMP, this paper offers a memory AMP (MAMP) framework based on the orthogonality principle, which ensures that estimation errors in MAMP are asymptotically IID Gaussian. To realize the required orthogonality for MAMP, we provide an orthogonalization procedure for the local memory estimators. In addition, we propose a Bayes-optimal MAMP (BO-MAMP), in which a long-memory matched filter is used for interference suppression. The complexity of BO-MAMP is comparable to AMP. To asymptotically characterize the performance of BO-MAMP, a state evolution is derived. The relaxation parameters and damping vector in BO-MAMP are optimized based on state evolution. Most crucially, the state evolution of the optimized BO-MAMP converges to the same fixed point as that of the high-complexity BO-OAMP/VAMP for all right-unitarily-invariant matrices, and achieves the Bayes optimal MSE predicted by the replica method if its state evolution has a unique fixed point. Finally, simulations are provided to verify the theoretical results' validity and accuracy.
翻译:近似信息传递( AMP) 是用于某些高维线性系统的一种成本低的迭代参数测算技术, 且不包含 Gausian 分布式的 OAMP/ VAMP (BO- OAMP/ VAMP) 。 AMP 仅适用于独立的相同分布( IID) 变异矩阵, 但可能变得不可靠( 例如, 表现差或甚至差异) 用于其他矩阵组合, 特别是条件不完善的系统。 要解决这个问题, 正在对 AMP 和 BO- OMP/ VAMP ( OMP/ VAMMP ) 进行右侧的常规过滤。 然而, Bayes- 优化 OAMP/ VAMP (BO- OAMP (BOMP/ VAMP ), 要求BAMP 直观性变异性( IMA) 向IMP 快速变异性( IMA) 提供IMP IMI 和IMA IMA IMA 快速变现程序。