Photometric stereo, a problem of recovering 3D surface normals using images of an object captured under different lightings, has been of great interest and importance in computer vision research. Despite the success of existing traditional and deep learning-based methods, it is still challenging due to: (i) the requirement of three or more differently illuminated images, (ii) the inability to model unknown general reflectance, and (iii) the requirement of accurate 3D ground truth surface normals and known lighting information for training. In this work, we attempt to address an under-explored problem of photometric stereo using just two differently illuminated images, referred to as the PS2 problem. It is an intermediate case between a single image-based reconstruction method like Shape from Shading (SfS) and the traditional Photometric Stereo (PS), which requires three or more images. We propose an inverse rendering-based deep learning framework, called DeepPS2, that jointly performs surface normal, albedo, lighting estimation, and image relighting in a completely self-supervised manner with no requirement of ground truth data. We demonstrate how image relighting in conjunction with image reconstruction enhances the lighting estimation in a self-supervised setting.
翻译:光学立体立体是利用不同照明下捕获的物体的图像恢复三维表面正常的一个问题,在计算机视觉研究中一直引起极大的兴趣和重要性。尽管现有的传统和深层学习方法取得了成功,但是由于以下原因仍然具有挑战性:(一) 需要三种或更多不同光照的图像,(二) 无法模拟未知的一般反射,以及(三) 需要精确的三维地面真实表面正常和已知的训练照明信息。在这项工作中,我们试图用被称为PS2问题的两张不同光照的图像来解决光学立体未得到充分探讨的问题。这是单一基于图像的重建方法(如“形状”和传统的光学立体立体)之间的一个中间案例,这需要三种或更多图像。我们提出了一个反向投影的深层学习框架,称为DeepPS2,共同进行地表正常、高温、照明估计和图像重亮光,而无需地面真相数据。我们展示了图像如何在图像重建过程中与自我光化地光学评估相结合。