Spatial-temporal reasoning is a challenging task in Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to its demanding but unique nature: a theoretic requirement on representing and reasoning based on spatial-temporal knowledge in mind, and an applied requirement on a high-level cognitive system capable of navigating and acting in space and time. Recent works have focused on an abstract reasoning task of this kind -- Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM). Despite the encouraging progress on RPM that achieves human-level performance in terms of accuracy, modern approaches have neither a treatment of human-like reasoning on generalization, nor a potential to generate answers. To fill in this gap, we propose a neuro-symbolic Probabilistic Abduction and Execution (PrAE) learner; central to the PrAE learner is the process of probabilistic abduction and execution on a probabilistic scene representation, akin to the mental manipulation of objects. Specifically, we disentangle perception and reasoning from a monolithic model. The neural visual perception frontend predicts objects' attributes, later aggregated by a scene inference engine to produce a probabilistic scene representation. In the symbolic logical reasoning backend, the PrAE learner uses the representation to abduce the hidden rules. An answer is predicted by executing the rules on the probabilistic representation. The entire system is trained end-to-end in an analysis-by-synthesis manner without any visual attribute annotations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the PrAE learner improves cross-configuration generalization and is capable of rendering an answer, in contrast to prior works that merely make a categorical choice from candidates.
翻译:人工智能(AI)中,空间时空推理是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为其要求要求很高,但性质独特:对于基于空间时空知识的表达和推理的理论要求,以及对于能够在空间和时间上航行和行动的高级认知系统的应用要求。最近的工作侧重于这种抽象推理任务 -- -- Raven's Social Matericares(RPM)。尽管在RPM上取得了令人振奋的进展,在准确性方面实现了人的水平表现,现代方法既不能处理关于概括化的类似人的推理,也不能处理产生答案的可能性。为了填补这一空白,我们建议对基于空间时空知识的表达和推理进行理论推理,我们建议对神经-表面的描述和推理进行理论推理的推理,而后由不由直观判断引擎加以汇总,我们提出神经-直观预判的推理推理学的推理学,从而在概率场外推理学中进行精确的推理分析。An-在逻辑推理学中学习一种逻辑推理学的推理学的推理,在逻辑推理学中进行推理学的推理学的推理学的推理学的推理学是先演。