In time-sensitive networks (as in the context of IEEE TSN and IETF DetNet), some limited amount of packet reordering may be acceptable. Re-sequencing buffers are then used to provide in-order delivery of packets; they depend on critical parameters (timeout value and buffer size) and may affect the worst-case delay and delay jitter. However, there is no precise understanding of per-flow reordering metrics nor of the dimensioning of re-sequencing buffers in order to provide worst-case guarantees, as required in time-sensitive networks. We close this gap as follows. First, we show that a previously proposed per-flow reordering metric, namely, reordering late time offset (RTO) determines the timeout value. If the network can be assumed to be lossless, another previously defined metric, the reordering byte offset (RBO), determines the required buffer size. However, if packet losses cannot be ignored, the required buffer may be larger than the RBO, and the exact value depends on a combination of the delay jitter between the source and the re-sequencing buffer, an arrival curve of the flow at its source, and the timeout. Then we develop a method to compute the RTO for a flow path; the method uses a novel relation with delay jitter and arrival curve, together with a decomposition of the path into non order-preserving and order-preserving elements. We also analyze the effect of re-sequencing buffers on worst-case delay, delay jitter and arrival curve propagation. We show in particular that, in a lossless (but non order-preserving) network, re-sequencing is "for free", in the sense that it does not increase worst-case delay nor delay jitter, whereas in a lossy network, re-sequencing increases the worst-case delay and delay jitter. We apply the analysis to evaluate the performance impact of placing re-sequencing buffers at intermediate points and illustrate the results on two industrial test cases.
翻译:在时间敏感的网络中(如 IEEE TSN 和 IETF DetNet ), 某些数量有限的中程数据重新排序可能可以接受。 然后, 重新排序缓冲用于按顺序交付包件; 它们取决于关键参数( 时间值和缓冲大小), 并可能影响最坏情况延迟和延迟。 但是, 无法准确理解每流程重新排序指标, 也无法准确理解重新排序缓冲的尺寸, 以便按照时间敏感网络的要求, 提供最坏的缓冲保证。 我们缩小了这一差距。 首先, 我们显示, 先前提议的每流程重排序重排序, 即重新排序时间偏移( RTO), 确定时间偏移( RTO) 。 如果网络可以假设无损失, 则重新排序 bytecht( REBO) 确定所需的缓冲度大小。 但是, 如果不能忽略包装的缩放损失, 所需的缓冲可能大于 RBO, 准确值取决于时间延迟关系在源和时间流流流流流流流流流中和后期流路流中, 显示一个顺序排序。