To assist game developers in crafting game NPCs, we present EvolvingBehavior, a novel tool for genetic programming to evolve behavior trees in Unreal Engine 4. In an initial evaluation, we compare evolved behavior to hand-crafted trees designed by our researchers, and to randomly-grown trees, in a 3D survival game. We find that EvolvingBehavior is capable of producing behavior approaching the designer's goals in this context. Finally, we discuss implications and future avenues of exploration for co-creative game AI design tools, as well as challenges and difficulties in behavior tree evolution.
翻译:为了协助游戏开发者设计游戏NPC, 我们提出“ 演进行为”, 这是一种新型的基因编程工具, 用来在非真实引擎4中演化行为树。 在初步评估中, 我们比较了由研究人员设计的手工制作的树木和随机生长的树木, 在3D生存游戏中。 我们发现, 演进行为能够产生行为, 接近设计者在这方面的目标。 最后, 我们讨论了 共同创作游戏 AI 设计工具的 影响和未来探索途径, 以及行为树进化的挑战和困难 。