项目名称: 复合石墨烯负载纳米双金属催化剂的结构调控及其ORR催化性能研究
项目编号: No.21303119
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 尹振
作者单位: 天津工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 氧还原反应(ORR)电极催化剂是决定质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)性能及其商业化应用的关键材料之一。本申请拟以单分散Pd基纳米粒子为前驱体,结合石墨烯基复合载体和脱合金过程(dealloying process)调控Pd基催化剂结构,制备复合石墨烯负载具有核-壳纳米结构的双组份Pd基催化剂,实现纳米粒子表面结构及载体结构的精确调控,进而大幅提高催化剂的性能;研究dealloying过程对于Pd基催化剂形貌、表面结构和表面原子分布的影响及其对催化性能和稳定性的调变;从原子尺度上阐明纳米粒子表面结构、石墨烯基复合载体、纳米粒子与复合载体的相互作用调控催化性能的机理;开发出具有应用前景的高效廉价且稳定性强的Pd基纳米催化剂,为高效实用金属催化剂的开发、设计及催化应用提供新思路。
中文关键词: 纳米粒子;金属基纳米催化剂;可控合成;构效关系;电化学反应
英文摘要: Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen was one of the key processes for the chemical-electrical energy conversion, such as fuel cells and metal-air batteries. An electrocatalyst was used to accelerate the course of ORR. Current electrocatalysts used for this reaction are typically in the form of dispersed Pt-based nanoparticles on amorphous carbon with high surface area. Considering the high cost and limited resource of Pt, large-scale applications of these renewable energy technologies demand non-Pt catalyst with superior catalytic performance, for example Pd-based nanoparticles. In this project, the nanoscale architecture for the bimetallic Pd nanoparticles with high catalytic activity and durability for the ORR can be well defined via the dealloying process and hybrid graphene-based nano-composite materials. The main effort is focused on the fine-tuning of the PdCu bimetallic nanostructure via two different dealloying method, namely, electrochemical and chemical leaching, aiming to achieve the desirable surface structure and composition profile. Cu will be removed from the alloy surface to form a Pd-rich core-shell nanostructure to enhance ORR activity and stability during the dealloying process, in which the monodispersed Pd-based nanoparticles with well-controlled size, composition and morphology can be used
英文关键词: nanoparticles;metaillic nanocatalysts;controllable systhesis;structure-activity relationship;electrochemical reaction