At STOC 2002, Eiter, Gottlob, and Makino presented a technique called ordered generation that yields an $n^{O(d)}$-delay algorithm listing all minimal transversals of an $n$-vertex hypergraph of degeneracy $d$. Recently at IWOCA 2019, Conte, Kant\'e, Marino, and Uno asked whether this XP-delay algorithm parameterized by $d$ could be made FPT-delay parameterized by $d$ and the maximum degree $\Delta$, i.e., an algorithm with delay $f(d,\Delta)\cdot n^{O(1)}$ for some computable function $f$. Moreover, as a first step toward answering that question, they note that the same delay is open for the intimately related problem of listing all minimal dominating sets in graphs. In this paper, we answer the latter question in the affirmative.