This paper introduces the Symmetric Extensible Quantum Secret Sharing protocol, which is a novel quantum protocol for secret sharing. At its heart, it is an entanglement based protocol that relies on the use of maximally entangled GHZ tuples, evenly distributed among the players, endowing the spymaster with the ability to securely share a secret message with her agents. It offers uncompromising security, making virtually impossible for a malicious eavesdropper or a rogue double agent to disrupt its successful execution. It is characterized by symmetry, since all agents are treated indiscriminately, utilizing identical quantum circuits. Furthermore, it can be seamlessly extended to an arbitrary number of agents. After the completion of the quantum part of the protocol, the spymaster will have to publicly transmit some information, in order to enable the agents to discover the secret message. Finally, it has the additional advantage that the spymaster has the privilege to decide when it is the right time for the agents to discover the secret message.
翻译:本文介绍了Symectric Expensive Quantum Excret Sprevention 协议,这是一个用于秘密共享的新型量子协议。在它的心脏上,这是一个基于缠绕的基于协议,依靠的是使用最紧密缠绕的GHZ Tuples,在玩家之间平均分布,赋予间谍主管与其代理人安全地分享秘密信息的能力。它提供了不妥协的安全,使恶意窃听者或流氓双重代理人几乎不可能破坏其成功执行。它的特点是对称性,因为所有物剂都是不分青红皂白地处理的,使用相同的量子电路。此外,它可以无缝地扩展到任意数量的物剂。在完成协议的量子部分之后,间谍主管将不得不公开传递一些信息,以使代理人能够发现秘密信息。最后,它还有额外的好处,即间谍主管有权决定何时是代理人发现秘密信息的适当时机。