Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with a weight $w_v$ associated with each vertex $v\in V$, the maximum weighted induced forest problem (MWIF) consists of encountering a maximum weighted subset $V'\subseteq V$ of the vertices such that $V'$ induces a forest. This NP-hard problem is known to be equivalent to the minimum weighted feedback vertex set problem, which has applicability in a variety of domains. The closely related maximum weighted induced tree problem (MWIT), on the other hand, requires that the subset $V'\subseteq V$ induces a tree. We propose two new integer programming formulations with an exponential number of constraints and branch-and-cut procedures for MWIF. Computational experiments using benchmark instances are performed comparing several formulations, including the newly proposed approaches and those available in the literature, when solved by a standard commercial mixed integer programming solver. More specifically, five formulations are compared, two compact (i.e., with a polynomial number of variables and constraints) ones and the three others with an exponential number of constraints. The experiments show that a new formulation for the problem based on directed cutset inequalities for eliminating cycles (DCUT) offers stronger linear relaxation bounds earlier in the search process. The results also indicate that the other new formulation, denoted tree with cycle elimination (TCYC), outperforms those available in the literature when it comes to the average times for proving optimality for the small instances, especially the more challenging ones. Additionally, this formulation can achieve much lower average times for solving the larger random instances that can be optimally solved. Furthermore, we show how the formulations for MWIF can be easily extended for MWIT. Such extension allowed us to compare the optimal solution values of the two problems.
翻译:鉴于一个GG=(V,E)的GG = (GG = (V,E)美元,其重量为w_V美元,与每个顶端的美元等值相关,最大加权引发的森林问题(MWIF)包括遇到一个最大加权子子集 $V'\ subseteq V$,以至美元为单位。这个NP硬问题已知相当于最小加权反馈的顶端设置问题,这在多个领域都有适用性。另一方面,最密切关联的加权快速引发的树问题(MWIT)则要求子子组的 $V'subseqeq Vax 引发一个最佳树问题。我们建议两个新的整形编程配制配制新的整形配制配方, 新的整形变形的变形的变形过程也比重更大。 更精确的变形的变形过程, 更精确的变形过程显示更精确的变形过程。