Trust in human-robot interactions (HRI) is measured in two main ways: through subjective questionnaires and through behavioral tasks. To optimize measurements of trust through questionnaires, the field of HRI faces two challenges: the development of standardized measures that apply to a variety of robots with different capabilities, and the exploration of social and relational dimensions of trust in robots (e.g., benevolence). In this paper we look at how different trust questionnaires fare given these challenges that pull in different directions (being general vs. being exploratory) by studying whether people think the items in these questionnaires are applicable to different kinds of robots and interactions. In Study 1 we show that after being presented with a robot (non-humanoid) and an interaction scenario (fire evacuation), participants rated multiple questionnaire items such as "This robot is principled" as "Non-applicable to robots in general" or "Non-applicable to this robot". In Study 2 we show that the frequency of these ratings change (indeed, even for items rated as N/A to robots in general) when a new scenario is presented (game playing with a humanoid robot). Finally, while overall trust scores remained robust to N/A ratings, our results revealed potential fallacies in the way these scores are commonly interpreted. We conclude with recommendations for the development, use and results-reporting of trust questionnaires for future studies, as well as theoretical implications for the field of HRI.
翻译:对人类- 机器人互动( HRI) 的信任度( HRI) 以两种主要方式衡量: 通过主观问卷和行为任务来衡量 。 为了通过问卷优化信任度度, HRI领域面临两个挑战 : 制定适用于不同能力的各种机器人的标准化措施, 探索机器人信任的社会和关系层面( 例如, 仁慈 ) 。 在本文中, 我们通过研究人们是否认为这些问卷中的项目适用于不同类型的机器人和互动, 来衡量信任度的差别性调查( 一般性调查与探索性调查) 。 在研究1 中, 我们显示, 在与机器人( 非人类) 和互动情景( 火灾疏散) 一起展示后, 参与者将多种问卷项目评为“ 本机器人是原则性”, 以及 “ 普通机器人不适用” 或“ 不适用于本机器人 ” 。 在研究2中, 我们通过研究, 当提出新的情景时, 这些评级的频率变化( 即使是被评为N/ A 类项目, 通常被评为机器人 ) 时( ) ( 与人类类机器人 相比, ) 和 互动 后,, 我们的 将 的 的 的 的 未来 评级结果 被 被 被 被 被, 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 评为 被 被 评为 被 被 评为 。