The slowly converging series sum_{k=3}^infinity 1/[k * log k * (log log k)^a] is evaluated to 38.4067680928 at a=2. After some initial terms, the infinite tail of the sum is replaced by the integral of the associated interpolating function, which is available in simple analytic form. Biases that originate from the difference between the smooth area under the function and the corresponding Riemann sum are corrected by standard means. The cases a=3 and a=4 are computed in the same manner.
翻译:慢速的趋同序列 Sumák=3 ⁇ n ⁇ ninfinity 1/[k * log k * (log log k)) 被评价为a=2。在有些初始条件之后,总和的无限尾部被相关内插函数的有机体所取代,该函数以简单分析的形式提供。由于函数下平滑区域与相应的Riemann数额之间的差数,以标准方式加以纠正。a=3和a=4的情况以同样的方式计算。