The present preprint specifies and defines all Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms of TestTDO (software Testing Top-Domain Ontology) v1.2, which is a slightly updated version of its predecessor, TestTDO v1.1. TestTDO is a top-domain ontology built in the context of a four-layered ontological architecture named FCD-OntoArch (Foundational, Core, and Domain Ontological Architecture for Sciences). This is a four-layered ontological architecture, which considers Foundational, Core, Domain and Instance levels. In turn, the domain level is split down in two sub-levels, namely: Top-domain and Low-domain ontological levels. Ontologies at the same level can be related to each other, except for the foundational level where only the ThingFO ontology is. In addition, ontologies' terms and relationships at lower levels can be semantically enriched by ontologies' terms properties and relationships from the higher levels. Some TestTDO's terms and relationships are extended primarily from SituationCO (Situation Core Ontology), and ProcessCO (Process Core Ontology) concepts. Stereotypes is the used mechanism for enriching TestTDO terms.
翻译:本预印指定和定义了TestTDO(软件测试顶部 Ontology) v1.2 的所有术语、属性、关系和轴心,这是其前身TestTDO v1.1.1.TestTDO的略微更新版本。TestTDO是四层肿瘤结构(FCD-OntoArch,Core,和Domain OntoArch)背景下建立的一个顶层肿瘤学。这是一个四层的本体结构,考虑基础、核心、Domain和试金层面。反过来,域级分为两个子级,即:顶部和低部Ontological级别。同一层次的本体可以相互关联,只有TingFO的本体结构除外。此外,较低层次的本体系术语和关系可以由本体、核心、核心、核心、核心和更高层次的关系加以丰富。一些TestTDO的术语和关系主要来自SDTOTDO的Creatimical 和Centritutional (Cal) Ostal Prodelisalments) 和Miscialmental CO 。