With the rapid advancement in synthetic speech generation technologies, great interest in differentiating spoof speech from the natural speech is emerging in the research community. The identification of these synthetic signals is a difficult task not only for the cutting-edge classification models but also for humans themselves. To prevent potential adverse effects, it becomes crucial to detect spoof signals. From a forensics perspective, it is also important to predict the algorithm which generated them to identify the forger. This needs an understanding of the underlying attributes of spoof signals which serve as a signature for the synthesizer. This study emphasizes the segments of speech signals critical in identifying their authenticity by utilizing the Vocal Tract System(\textit{VTS}) and Voice Source(\textit{VS}) features. In this paper, we propose a system that detects spoof signals as well as identifies the corresponding speech-generating algorithm. We achieve 99.58\% in algorithm classification accuracy. From experiments, we found that a VS feature-based system gives more attention to the transition of phonemes, while, a VTS feature-based system gives more attention to stationary segments of speech signals. We perform model fusion techniques on the VS-based and VTS-based systems to exploit the complementary information to develop a robust classifier. Upon analyzing the confusion plots we found that WaveRNN is poorly classified depicting more naturalness. On the other hand, we identified that synthesizer like Waveform Concatenation, and Neural Source Filter is classified with the highest accuracy. Practical implications of this work can aid researchers from both forensics (leverage artifacts) and the speech communities (mitigate artifacts).
翻译:随着合成语音生成技术的快速进步,研究界对将语言与自然言语区分开来的兴趣日益浓厚。这些合成信号的识别是一项艰巨的任务,不仅对尖端分类模型而言,而且对人类本身也是一项艰巨的任务。为了防止潜在的负面效应,我们提出一个系统来检测信号的poof。从法证的角度来看,我们还必须预测生成信号的算法以识别伪造者。这需要理解作为合成器信号的Spoof信号的基本属性。这项研究强调使用Vocal Tract系统(Textit{VTS})和语音源(\textit{RVS})特征在确定其真实性方面至关重要的部分。在这个文件中,我们提出一个系统来检测信号的popoofer 并识别相应的语音算法。我们在算法分类中实现了9958 ⁇ 的精确度。我们发现VS基于功能的系统能让基于VTS的语系更关注其真实性,在语音信号的固定性部分上,我们用最精确的Salice-ralalalalalal 分析系统来进行更精确的精确的计算。我们在Salalalalalalisalisal 和我们所找到的精确的系统上,我们所找到的精确的精确的精确的精确的精确的计算方法的计算方法的精确的精确的计算方法,在分析结构的精确的计算方法上,这是我们所找到的精确的精确的精确的计算。我们所找到的系统。我们所找到的精确的精确的精确的计算方法的计算方法的精确的精确的精确的精确的精确的精确的计算方法的计算方法的精确的计算方法的计算方法。我们的计算方法的精确的精确的精确的精确的精确的计算方法的精确的计算方法的精确的计算方法。