This paper studies how RAID (redundant array of independent disks) could take full advantage of modern SSDs (solid-state drives) with built-in transparent compression. In current practice, RAID users are forced to choose a specific RAID level (e.g., RAID 10 or RAID 5) with a fixed storage cost vs. speed performance trade-off. Commercial market is witnessing the emergence of a new family of SSDs that can internally perform hardware-based lossless compression on each 4KB LBA (logical block address) block, transparent to host OS and user applications. Beyond straightforwardly reducing the RAID storage cost, such modern SSDs make it possible to relieve RAID users from being locked into a fixed storage cost vs. speed performance trade-off. The key idea is simple: RAID systems opportunistically leverage higher-than-expected runtime user data compressibility to enable dynamic RAID level conversion to improve the speed performance without compromising the effective storage capacity. This paper presents design techniques to enable and optimize the practical implementation of such elastic RAID systems. For the purpose of demonstration, we implemented a Linux software-based elastic RAID prototype that supports dynamic conversion between RAID 5 and RAID 10. Compared with a baseline software-based RAID 5, under sufficient runtime data compressibility that enables the conversion from RAID 5 to RAID 10 over 60% user data, the elastic RAID could improve the 4KB random write IOPS (IO per second) by 42% and 4KB random read IOPS in degraded mode by 46%, while maintaining the same effective storage capacity.
翻译:本文研究RAID(冗余独立磁盘阵列)如何充分利用现代 SSD(固体驱动器) 的透明压缩。 在目前实践中,RAID用户被迫选择固定存储成本相对于速度性交易的特定的RAID水平(如RAID 10 或RAID 5 ) 存储成本相对于速度性能交易的固定存储成本水平(如RAID 10 或RAID 5 ) 。商业市场正在见证SD的新组合的出现,该组合可以在内部对每4KB LB(逻辑区块地址)块进行基于硬件的无损压缩,以透明方式托管OS和用户应用程序。除了直接降低RAID存储成本外,这种现代SSD还使得RAID用户无法被锁定到固定存储成本水平(如RAD 10 ) 快速存储成本交易。 关键思想很简单:RAID系统机能利用高于预期的运行时间用户数据数据精确性转换速度,以便提高速度性能,同时不损害有效的存储能力。 本文展示设计各种技术,以扶持和优化实际实施这种弹性READ RAD系统。 在RAS 5 AS AS AS AS 5 AS AS AS AS 5 之下,我们实施了 RAA 5 5 5 ASA ASRAA AS AS AS AS ASU ASI ASU AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS ASU ASU ASU ASU 5 5 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS 5 AS AS AS AS AS ASU 5 5 AS 5 5 5 5 AS 5 5 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS 5 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS