We dare to make use of a possible analogy between neurons in a brain and people in society, asking ourselves whether individual intelligence is necessary in order to collective wisdom to emerge and, most importantly, what sort of individual intelligence is conducive of greater collective wisdom. We review insights and findings from connectionism, agent-based modeling, group psychology, economics and physics, casting them in terms of changing structure of the system's Lyapunov function. Finally, we apply these insights to the sort and degrees of intelligence of preys and predators in the Lotka-Volterra model, explaining why certain individual understandings lead to co-existence of the two species whereas other usages of their individual intelligence cause global extinction.
翻译:我们敢于利用大脑中的神经元与社会中的人之间的可能类比,问自己,个人情报是否必要,以便形成集体智慧,最重要的是,何种个人情报有利于更大的集体智慧。 我们审视了从联系主义、代理人型模型、群体心理学、经济学和物理学中得出的见解和结论,从系统Lyapunov功能结构的变化中得出这些见解。 最后,我们将这些见解应用于洛特卡-Volterra模型中的猎物和捕食者的情报种类和程度,解释为什么某些个人谅解导致这两种物种共存,而其他个人情报的使用则导致全球灭绝。