Entropic causal inference is a framework for inferring the causal direction between two categorical variables from observational data. The central assumption is that the amount of unobserved randomness in the system is not too large. This unobserved randomness is measured by the entropy of the exogenous variable in the underlying structural causal model, which governs the causal relation between the observed variables. Kocaoglu et al. conjectured that the causal direction is identifiable when the entropy of the exogenous variable is not too large. In this paper, we prove a variant of their conjecture. Namely, we show that for almost all causal models where the exogenous variable has entropy that does not scale with the number of states of the observed variables, the causal direction is identifiable from observational data. We also consider the minimum entropy coupling-based algorithmic approach presented by Kocaoglu et al., and for the first time demonstrate algorithmic identifiability guarantees using a finite number of samples. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the robustness of the method to relaxing some of the assumptions in our theory and demonstrate that both the constant-entropy exogenous variable and the no latent confounder assumptions can be relaxed in practice. We also empirically characterize the number of observational samples needed for causal identification. Finally, we apply the algorithm on Tuebingen cause-effect pairs dataset.
翻译:从观测数据中推断两个绝对变量之间因果关系方向的框架。 中心假设是, 系统内未观察到随机性的数量并不太大。 这种未观察到随机性以基本结构因果模型中外源变量的酶性来测量,该模型指导所观察到变量之间的因果关系。 Kocaoglu等人认为, 当外源变量的酶性不太大时, 因果关系是可以辨别的。 在本文中, 我们证明是这些变量的假设的变量的变异性。 也就是说, 我们显示, 对于几乎所有外源变量与所观察到变量数量相比规模不小的因果模型来说, 这种未观察到的随机性是通过基本结构因果模型中外源变量的酶性来测量的。 我们还考虑到由Kocaoglu等人等人提出的基于因果性算法的最低因果性方法, 并且第一次用有限的样本数量来证明可算法性。 我们进行了广泛的实验, 评估放松我们理论中某些假设的方法的稳健性。 也就是说, 我们也可以在不断变现的因果性模型中, 确定我们所需要的因果变数。