Visual appearance is an important aspect influencing the perception and consequent acceptance of Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA). To this end, the Uncanny Valley theory contradicts the common assumption that increased humanization of characters leads to better acceptance. Rather, it shows that anthropomorphic behavior may trigger feelings of eeriness and rejection in people. The work presented in this paper explores whether four different autonomous ECAs, specifically build for a European research project, are affected by this effect, and how they compare to two slightly more realistically looking human-controlled, i.e. face-tracked, ECAs with respect to perceived humanness, eeriness, and attractiveness. Short videos of the ECAs in combination with a validated questionnaire were used to investigate potential differences. Results support existing theories highlighting that increased perceived humanness correlates with increased perceived eeriness. Furthermore, it was found, that neither the gender of survey participants, their age, nor the sex of the ECA influences this effect, and that female ECAs are perceived to be significantly more attractive than their male counterparts.
翻译:视觉外观是一个重要方面,它影响人们对情感交融剂(ECA)的认知和随后的接受。为此,Uncanny Valley理论与以下共同假设相矛盾,即角色人性化的增加导致更受人接受。相反,它表明人类形态行为可能会引发人们的厌食感和排斥感。本文件所介绍的工作探讨了四个不同的自主经济产品(具体为欧洲研究项目而建立)是否受到这一效果的影响,以及它们与两个稍具现实性、更受人控制、即面部追踪的、在人性、快感和吸引力方面受人控制的经济资源相比有何不同之处。利用了与经过验证的问卷相结合的短期视频来调查潜在的差异。结果支持了现有理论,这些理论强调人们的觉悟性增强与感觉的快感相关联。此外,发现调查参与者的性别、年龄和非洲经委会的性别影响都不受这一影响,而且女性经济伙伴被认为比男性伙伴更具明显吸引力。