In recent years, a variety of meshless methods have been developed to solve partial differential equations in complex domains. Meshless methods discretize the partial differential equations over scattered points instead of grids. Radial basis functions (RBFs) have been popularly used as high accuracy interpolants of function values at scattered locations. In this paper, we apply the polyharmonic splines (PHS) as the RBF together with appended polynomial and solve the heat conduction equation in several geometries using a collocation procedure. We demonstrate the expected exponential convergence of the numerical solution as the degree of the appended polynomial is increased. The method holds promise to solve several different governing equations in thermal sciences.
翻译:近些年来,已经开发了多种无网点方法来解决复杂领域的部分差异方程式。 将部分差异方程式分解为分散点而非网格的无网点方法。 辐射基函数( RBFs) 被广泛用作分散点功能值的高精度中间线。 在本文中, 我们使用多调样条作为RBF, 连同附着的多元体, 并用合用程序解决数个地貌的热导方程式 。 我们显示了随着附着的多元度的增加, 数字方程式预期会成指数的趋同。 这种方法有望解决热科学中若干不同的管理方程式 。