In-memory computing architectures provide a much needed solution to energy-efficiency barriers posed by Von-Neumann computing due to the movement of data between the processor and the memory. Functions implemented in such in-memory architectures are often proprietary and constitute confidential Intellectual Property. Our studies indicate that IMCs implemented using RRAM are susceptible to Side Channel Attack. Unlike conventional SCAs that are aimed to leak private keys from cryptographic implementations, SCARE can reveal the sensitive IP implemented within the memory. Therefore, the adversary does not need to perform invasive Reverse Engineering to unlock the functionality. We demonstrate SCARE by taking recent IMC architectures such as DCIM and MAGIC as test cases. Simulation results indicate that AND, OR, and NOR gates (building blocks of complex functions) yield distinct power and timing signatures based on the number of inputs making them vulnerable to SCA. Although process variations can obfuscate the signatures due to significant overlap, we show that the adversary can use statistical modeling and analysis to identify the structure of the implemented function. SCARE can find the implemented IP by testing a limited number of patterns. For example, the proposed technique reduces the number of patterns by 64% compared to a brute force attack for a+bc function. Additionally, analysis shows improvement in SCAREs detection model due to adversarial change in supply voltage for both DCIM and MAGIC. We also propose countermeasures such as redundant inputs and expansion of literals. Redundant inputs can mask the IP with 25% area and 20% power overhead. However, functions can be found by greater RE effort. Expansion of literals incurs 36% power overhead. However, it imposes brute force search by the adversary for which the RE effort increases by 3.04X.
翻译:在模拟计算结构中,由于处理器和内存之间的数据移动,Von-Neumann计算所构成的能源效率障碍非常需要解决。在模拟结构中执行的职能往往是专有的,并且构成机密的知识产权。我们的研究表明,使用 RRAM 执行的IMC 产生不同的功率和时间信号,其依据是投入数量,使其容易受到SCA攻击。与常规的SCA不同,由于密码执行过程中的私钥被泄漏,SCARE可以揭示在记忆中执行的敏感的IP。因此,对手不需要执行入侵性反向工程来解开功能。我们通过测试最近的IM 结构,例如DCIM 和MAGIC 测试案例,来显示 SSCARE 。模拟结果表明,以及 OR 和NOR 门(复杂功能的构件块) 产生不同的功率和时间信号,因为投入数量使得它们容易受到SCARC。虽然过程的变异,但由于大量重叠,SARE可以使用统计模型和分析来确定已执行的功能的结构。我们可以通过测试IM RE 来找到已执行的RE IP,通过测试一个有限的数字,在攻击模式中, liderIIM lippreal lader ex ex ex laveal ex ex laveal laveal ex ex laved laveal laction lab laveal lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lax lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lautusutd lauts lauts lauts lauts lauts lauts lauts lautd lautd lautd lauts duts d lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lauts d lad lauts d lauts lad lad lad lauts lauts lauts lad lad lad lad d d lad