A challenge in using robots in human-inhabited environments is to design behavior that is engaging, yet robust to the perturbations induced by human interaction. Our idea is to imbue the robot with intrinsic motivation (IM) so that it can handle new situations and appears as a genuine social other to humans and thus be of more interest to a human interaction partner. Human-robot interaction (HRI) experiments mainly focus on scripted or teleoperated robots, that mimic characteristics such as IM to control isolated behavior factors. This article presents a "robotologist" study design that allows comparing autonomously generated behaviors with each other, and, for the first time, evaluates the human perception of IM-based generated behavior in robots. We conducted a within-subjects user study (N=24) where participants interacted with a fully autonomous Sphero BB8 robot with different behavioral regimes: one realizing an adaptive, intrinsically motivated behavior and the other being reactive, but not adaptive. The robot and its behaviors are intentionally kept minimal to concentrate on the effect induced by IM. A quantitative analysis of post-interaction questionnaires showed a significantly higher perception of the dimension "Warmth" compared to the reactive baseline behavior. Warmth is considered a primary dimension for social attitude formation in human social cognition. A human perceived as warm (friendly, trustworthy) experiences more positive social interactions.
翻译:人类机器人在人类居住环境中使用机器人的难题是设计正在引发的行为,但对于人类互动引发的扰动具有很强的说服力。 我们的想法是用内在动机(IM)给机器人注入人类的内在动力(IM),以便它能够处理新情况,并成为人类真正的社会伙伴,因此对人类互动伙伴更感兴趣。 人类机器人互动(HRI)实验主要侧重于脚本或远程操作机器人,模仿IM等特征,以控制孤立的友好行为因素。这篇文章展示了一个“机器人学”研究设计,可以比较自主生成的行为,并首次评估人类对机器人以IM为基础产生的行为的看法。我们进行了一项学科内用户研究(N=24),参与者与完全自主的Sphelo BB8机器人互动,与不同的行为制度互动:一个实现适应性、内在动机行为,另一个是反应性而非适应性。机器人及其行为有意保持最低程度,以便集中关注IM所引发的影响,而后互动的定量分析则首次评估人类对基于IMM产生的行为的看法。 将后互动互动的人类的人类行为分析, 将一个更具有较高的社会认识性社会层面, 将人类对战争形成一个具有更高度的动态的社交层面进行社会层面进行反应。