The need for cables with high-fidelity Virtual Reality (VR) headsets remains a stumbling block on the path towards interactive multi-user VR. Due to strict latency constraints, designing fully wireless headsets is challenging, with the few commercially available solutions being expensive. These solutions use proprietary millimeter wave (mmWave) communications technologies, as extremely high frequencies are needed to meet the throughput and latency requirements of VR applications. In this work, we investigate whether such a system could be built using specification-compliant IEEE 802.11ad hardware, which would significantly reduce the cost of wireless mmWave VR solutions. We present a theoretical framework to calculate attainable live VR video bitrates for different IEEE 802.11ad channel access methods, using 1 or more head-mounted displays connected to a single Access Point (AP). Using the ns-3 simulator, we validate our theoretical framework, and demonstrate that a properly configured IEEE 802.11ad AP can support at least 8 headsets receiving a 4K video stream for each eye, with transmission latency under 1 millisecond.
翻译:需要高不远端虚拟现实(VR)信头的电缆仍然是通往互动式多用户VR的道路上的一个绊脚石。 由于严格的延迟限制,设计完全无线信头是具有挑战性的,因为少数商业上可用的解决方案非常昂贵。这些解决方案使用专有毫米波(mmWave)通信技术,因为满足 VR 应用程序的吞吐量和延缓要求需要极高的频率。在这项工作中,我们调查是否可以使用符合规格的 IEEEE 802.11ad 硬件来建立这样一个系统,这将大大降低无线毫米Wave VR 解决方案的成本。我们提出了一个理论框架,用于计算不同IEEE 802.11ad 频道访问方法的可实现的现场VR视频比特率,使用与单一接入点(AP)连接的1个或更多个头顶显示器。我们使用ns-3模拟器验证我们的理论框架,并证明经过适当配置的 IEEEEEE 802.11ad AP至少8个信头可以支持每眼接收4K视频流,其传输时间在1毫秒秒以下。