Despite the continuous development of the different operational ensemble prediction systems over the past decades, ensemble forecasts still might suffer from lack of calibration and/or display systematic bias, thus require some post-processing to improve their forecast skill. Here we focus on visibility, which quantity plays a crucial role e.g. in aviation and road safety or in ship navigation, and propose a parametric model where the predictive distribution is a mixture of a gamma and a truncated normal distribution, both right censored at the maximal reported visibility value. The new model is evaluated in two case studies based on visibility ensemble forecasts of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts covering two distinct domains in Central and Western Europe and two different time periods. The results of the case studies indicate that climatology is substantially superior to the raw ensemble; nevertheless, the forecast skill can be further improved by post-processing, at least for short lead times. Moreover, the proposed mixture model consistently outperforms the Bayesian model averaging approach used as reference post-processing technique.