A unified clustering approach that can estimate number of clusters and produce clustering against this number simultaneously is proposed. Average silhouette width (ASW) is a widely used standard cluster quality index. A distance based objective function that optimizes ASW for clustering is defined. The proposed algorithm named as OSil, only, needs data observations as an input without any prior knowledge of the number of clusters. This work is about thorough investigation of the proposed methodology, its usefulness and limitations. A vast spectrum of clustering structures were generated, and several well-known clustering methods including partitioning, hierarchical, density based, and spatial methods were consider as the competitor of the proposed methodology. Simulation reveals that OSil algorithm has shown superior performance in terms of clustering quality than all clustering methods included in the study. OSil can find well separated, compact clusters and have shown better performance for the estimation of number of clusters as compared to several methods. Apart from the proposal of the new methodology and it's investigation the paper offers a systematic analysis on the estimation of cluster indices, some of which never appeared together in comparative simulation setup before. The study offers many insightful findings useful for the selection of the clustering methods and indices for clustering quality assessment.
翻译:提议采用统一组群方法,既可以估计组群数量,又可以同时根据该组群进行分组; 平均双光宽度是一种广泛使用的标准群集质量指数; 定义了以距离为基础的客观功能,使聚群群的ASW得到优化; 拟议的算法称为OSil,仅需要数据观测作为输入,而不事先对组群数量有任何了解; 这项工作涉及对拟议方法、其用途和局限性进行彻底调查; 产生了广泛的群集结构,一些众所周知的群集方法,包括分隔、等级、密度和空间方法,被认为是拟议方法的竞争者; 模拟表明OSil算法在组群质量方面表现出优于研究所列的所有组群方法; OSil可以找到分离良好、紧凑的组群集,并显示与若干方法相比,估计组群集数量的业绩较好; 除提出新方法和调查外,该文件对群集指数的估算提供了系统分析,其中一些指标以前从未一起出现在比较模拟的设置中; 研究为选择群集质量和群集指标提供了许多具有深刻价值的结论结论的结论。