As with most aspects of electronic systems and integrated circuits, hardware security has traditionally evolved around the dominant CMOS technology. However, with the rise of various emerging technologies, whose main purpose is to overcome the fundamental limitations for scaling and power consumption of CMOS technology, unique opportunities arise also to advance the notion of hardware security. In this paper, I first provide an overview on hardware security in general. Next, I review selected emerging technologies, namely (i) spintronics, (ii) memristors, (iii) carbon nanotubes and related transistors, (iv) nanowires and related transistors, and (v) 3D and 2.5D integration. I then discuss their application to advance hardware security and also outline related challenges.
翻译:与电子系统和集成电路的多数方面一样,硬件安全历来围绕着占主导地位的CMOS技术发展,然而,随着各种新兴技术的兴起,其主要目的是克服CMOS技术的规模和动力消耗的根本限制,也出现了推动硬件安全概念的独特机会,在本文件中,我首先概述硬件安全的总体情况,然后,我审查选定的新兴技术,即(一) 脊柱,(二) 乳房,(三) 碳纳米管和相关晶体管,(四) 纳米管和相关晶体管,(五) 3D和2.5D集成,然后我讨论这些技术在推进硬件安全方面的应用,并概述相关的挑战。