Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are devices widely used in wastewater treatment, chemical engineering, and other areas. They allow for the sedimentation and compression of solid particles of biomass simultaneously with biochemical reactions with nutrients dissolved in the liquid. The kinetics of these reactions may be given by one of the established activated sludge models (ASMx). An SBR is operated in various stages and is equipped with a movable extraction and fill device and a discharge opening. A one-dimensional model of this unit can be formulated as a moving-boundary problem for a degenerating system of convection-diffusion reaction equations whose unknowns are the concentrations of the components forming the solid and liquid phases, respectively. This model is transformed to a fixed computational domain and is discretized by an explicit monotone scheme along with an alternative semi-implicit variant. The semi-implicit variant is based on solving, during each time step, a system of nonlinear equations for the total solids concentration followed by the solution of linear systems for the solid component percentages and liquid component concentrations. It is demonstrated that the semi-implicit scheme is well posed and that both variants produce approximations that satisfy an invariant region principle: solids concentrations are nonnegative and less or equal to a set maximal one, percentages are nonnegative and sum up to one, and substrate concentrations are nonnegative. These properties are achieved undera Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition that is less restrictive for the semi-implicit than the explicit variant. Numerical examples with realistic parameters illustrate that as a consequence, the semi-implicit variant is more efficient than the explicit one.
翻译:浸没式生物反应器(SBR)是一种广泛应用于废水处理、化学工程和其他领域的设备。它们允许在与液体中溶解的营养物进行生化反应的同时,沉降和压缩生物质颗粒。这些反应的动力学可以由已建立的活性污泥模型(ASMx)之一给出。 SBR在各个阶段进行操作,并配备一个可移动的抽取和填充装置和一个排放口。该单元的一维模型可以被制定为对于一个退化的对流扩散反应方程组的移动边界问题,其未知量分别是形成固体和液体相的组分的浓度。此模型转化为一个固定的计算域,并通过显式单调方案以及另一种选择性的半隐式变体进行离散化。半隐式变体是基于在每个时间步骤期间解决一个非线性方程组用于总固体浓度,然后解决用于固体组分百分比和液体组分浓度的线性方程组。演示了半隐式方案具有良好的偏置性,并且两种变体产生满足不变区域原理的近似值:固体浓度为非负且小于或等于集合最大值,百分比为非负并且总和为一,底物浓度为非负。这些属性在条件Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL)下实现,半隐式方案的限制性少于显式变体。具有现实参数的数值示例说明了半隐式变体比显式变体更有效的结果。