Pelvic ring disruptions result from blunt injury mechanisms and are often found in patients with multi-system trauma. To grade pelvic fracture severity in trauma victims based on whole-body CT, the Tile AO/OTA classification is frequently used. Due to the high volume of whole-body trauma CTs generated in busy trauma centers, an automated approach to Tile classification would provide substantial value, e.,g., to prioritize the reading queue of the attending trauma radiologist. In such scenario, an automated method should perform grading based on a transparent process and based on interpretable features to enable interaction with human readers and lower their workload by offering insights from a first automated read of the scan. This paper introduces an automated yet interpretable pelvic trauma decision support system to assist radiologists in fracture detection and Tile grade classification. The method operates similarly to human interpretation of CT scans and first detects distinct pelvic fractures on CT with high specificity using a Faster-RCNN model that are then interpreted using a structural causal model based on clinical best practices to infer an initial Tile grade. The Bayesian causal model and finally, the object detector are then queried for likely co-occurring fractures that may have been rejected initially due to the highly specific operating point of the detector, resulting in an updated list of detected fractures and corresponding final Tile grade. Our method is transparent in that it provides finding location and type using the object detector, as well as information on important counterfactuals that would invalidate the system's recommendation and achieves an AUC of 83.3%/85.1% for translational/rotational instability. Despite being designed for human-machine teaming, our approach does not compromise on performance compared to previous black-box approaches.
翻译:由于钝器损伤机制造成骨骼骨折的破坏,并且经常在多系统创伤患者中发现。对于根据全体CT进行创伤受害者骨盆骨折严重程度的分级,经常使用Tile AO/OTA分类。由于在繁忙的创伤中心产生大量全身创伤CT,采用自动方法将Tile分类提供大量价值,例如,将主治创伤放射科医生的阅读排队排队列为优先事项。在这种情况下,自动化方法应当根据透明的过程和可解释的特征进行分级,以便能够与人体阅读者互动,并通过第一次自动阅读扫描来降低他们的工作量。本文介绍了一个自动但可解释的骨盆创伤决定支持系统,以协助放射科医生检测骨折和Tile等级分类。由于这种方法与人类对过去CT扫描的解读相似,首先利用快速RCNNN模式来对骨盆骨折进行分解,然后根据临床最佳做法来解释结构因果模型,在初始Tile级中进行互动互动。Bayesian 模型和最终的骨折分析结果是最终检测结果,在最后的血压中进行检测,最终方法可能会发现我们最终的骨折。