A text written using symbols from a given alphabet can be compressed using the Huffman code, which minimizes the length of the encoded text. It is necessary, however, to employ a text-specific codebook, i.e. the symbol-codeword dictionary, to decode the original text. Thus, the compression performance should be evaluated by the full code length, i.e. the length of the encoded text plus the length of the codebook. We studied several alphabets for compressing texts -- letters, n-grams of letters, syllables, words, and phrases. If only sufficiently short texts are retained, an alphabet of letters or two-grams of letters is optimal. For the majority of Project Gutenberg texts, the best alphabet (the one that minimizes the full code length) is given by syllables or words, depending on the representation of the codebook. Letter 3 and 4-grams, having on average comparable length to syllables/words, perform noticeably worse than syllables or words. Word 2-grams also are never the best alphabet, on the account of having a very large codebook. We also show that the codebook representation is important -- switching from a naive representation to a compact one significantly improves the matters for alphabets with large number of symbols, most notably the words. Thus, meaning-expressing elements of the language (syllables or words) provide the best compression alphabet.
翻译:使用给定字母的符号撰写的文本可以使用Huffman 代码压缩。 该代码可以将编码文本的长度缩小到最小。 但是, 有必要使用文本专用代码簿, 即符号编码字典, 以解码原始文本。 因此, 压缩性能应该用完整的代码长度来评估, 即编码文本的长度加上代码手册的长度。 我们研究了压缩文本的一些字母 -- -- 字母、 n- 字组、 符号、 字组和短语。 如果只保留足够短的文本, 字母的字母或两克字母的字母的字母的字母顺序是最佳的。 对于大多数项目 Gutenberg 文本来说, 最好的字母( 将全部代码长度最小化为最小的字母) 应该用符号或文字来评价, 取决于代码的表达方式。 字母 字母 3 和 4 克, 其平均长度与字符/ 字组/ 字组、 音组、 字组、 字组、 词组、 字组、 词组、 词组、 词组、 词组、 词组、 词组、 词组或词组或词组和词组的词组等词组等词组等词组的文字, 。 如果保存足够的话, 那么的字母的字母的字母的字母的字母字母的字母的字母的字母的字母的字母,,,, 字母的字母的字母的字母字母字母字母的字母的字母的字母字母,, 最短本或两字母的字母的字母的字母都是最优, 最优,, 最优。 如果是最优的字母, 最优的字母, 最优的字母, 最优的字母。
Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead.https://abc.xyz/