In the laminar-constrained spanning tree problem, the goal is to find a minimum-cost spanning tree which respects upper bounds on the number of times each cut in a given laminar family is crossed. This generalizes the well-studied degree-bounded spanning tree problem, as well as a previously studied setting where a chain of cuts is given. We give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm; in particular we show how to obtain a multiplicative violation of the crossing bounds of less than 22 while losing less than a factor of 5 in terms of cost. Our result compares to the natural LP relaxation. As a consequence, our results show that given a $k$-edge-connected graph and a laminar family $\mathcal{L} \subseteq 2^V$ of cuts, there exists a spanning tree which contains only an $O(1/k)$ fraction of the edges across every cut in $\mathcal{L}$. This can be viewed as progress towards the Thin Tree Conjecture, which (in a strong form) states that this guarantee can be obtained for all cuts simultaneously.
翻译:在受制于层级族限制的生成树问题中,目标是找到一棵尊重给定层级族中每个割的跨越次数上界的最小成本生成树。这一问题的一般形式包括了限制度数的生成树问题和先前研究的给定一条割链情形。我们提出了第一个常数逼近算法,特别地,我们展示了如何在损失不到5倍成本的情况下,获得不到22的跨越上界违背的乘性违背。我们的结果与自然LP松弛相比较。由此,我们的结果表明在给定k边相连图和一层级族$\mathcal{L}\subseteq 2^V$的情况下,存在一棵生成树,它仅包含所有割中每个割的边交的$O(1/k)$分数。这可以看作是朝向薄树猜想的进展,它的一项强烈形式声称,这种保证可以同时应用于所有的割。