In living organisms, homeostasis is the natural regulation of internal states aimed at maintaining conditions compatible with life. Typical artificial systems are not equipped with comparable regulatory features. Here, we introduce an artificial neural network that incorporates homeostatic features. Its own computing substrate is placed in a needful and vulnerable relation to the very objects over which it computes. For example, artificial neurons performing classification of MNIST digits or Fashion-MNIST articles of clothing may receive excitatory or inhibitory effects, which alter their own learning rate as a direct result of perceiving and classifying the digits. In this scenario, accurate recognition is desirable to the agent itself because it guides decisions to regulate its vulnerable internal states and functionality. Counterintuitively, the addition of vulnerability to a learner does not necessarily impair its performance. On the contrary, self-regulation in response to vulnerability confers benefits under certain conditions. We show that homeostatic design confers increased adaptability under concept shift, in which the relationships between labels and data change over time, and that the greatest advantages are obtained under the highest rates of shift. This necessitates the rapid un-learning of past associations and the re-learning of new ones. We also demonstrate the superior abilities of homeostatic learners in environments with dynamically changing rates of concept shift. Our homeostatic design exposes the artificial neural network's thinking machinery to the consequences of its own "thoughts", illustrating the advantage of putting one's own "skin in the game" to improve fluid intelligence.
翻译:在活生物体中,软体保持是旨在维持与生命相适应的条件的内部状态的自然调节。典型人工系统没有类似的监管特征。 在这里, 我们引入一个包含软体特征的人工神经网络。 它自己的计算基子被置于一个需要和脆弱的关系中, 它自己计算出来的物体本身的计算基子被置于一种需要和脆弱的关系中。 比如, 对MNIST数字进行分类的人工神经元或者时装- MNIST服装制品进行分类的人工神经元可能会受到刺激或抑制效应, 从而直接由于对数字的感知和分类而改变其自身的学习率。 在这种情景中, 准确的识别对于代理人来说是可取的, 因为它指导着监管其脆弱的内部状态和功能的决策。 反目光, 增加学习者的脆弱性并不一定会损害其性能。 相反, 在某些条件下, 应对脆弱性的自我调节会给概念变化带来好处。 我们表明, 在概念变化中, 标签和数据之间的关系会随着时间的变化而改变, 并且根据最高的变化速度获得最大的优势。 这要求代理人本身的决定, 它会指导其脆弱的内部的判断力变化中, 我们需要快速地学习历史结构的进化的进化的进化环境。