In this paper, we propose a novel method for 3D scene and object reconstruction from sparse multi-view images. Different from previous methods that leverage extra information such as depth or generalizable features across scenes, our approach leverages the scene properties embedded in the multi-view inputs to create precise pseudo-labels for optimization without any prior training. Specifically, we introduce a geometry-guided approach that improves surface reconstruction accuracy from sparse views by leveraging spherical harmonics to predict the novel radiance while holistically considering all color observations for a point in the scene. Also, our pipeline exploits proxy geometry and correctly handles the occlusion in generating the pseudo-labels of radiance, which previous image-warping methods fail to avoid. Our method, dubbed Ray Augmentation (RayAug), achieves superior results on DTU and Blender datasets without requiring prior training, demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing the problem of sparse view reconstruction. Our pipeline is flexible and can be integrated into other implicit neural reconstruction methods for sparse views.