In this note, we show that a "Toy Conjecture" made by (Boyle, Ishai, Pass, Wootters, 2017) is false, and propose a new one. Our attack does not falsify the full ("non-toy") conjecture in that work, and it is our hope that this note will help further the analysis of that conjecture. Independently, (Boyle, Holmgren, Ma, Weiss, 2021) have obtained similar results.
翻译:在本说明中,我们证明由(Boyle、Ishai、Pass、Wootters, 2017年)制作的“玩具猜想”是虚假的,并提出了新的猜想。 我们的攻击并没有伪造这项工作中的全部(“非玩具”)猜想,我们希望本说明将有助于进一步分析这一猜想。 独立地说,(Boyle、Holmgren、Ma、Weiss,2021年)也取得了类似的结果。