Hottopixx, proposed by Bittorf et al. at NIPS 2012, is an algorithm for solving nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) problems under the separability assumption. Separable NMFs have important applications, such as topic extraction from documents and unmixing of hyperspectral images. In such applications, the robustness of the algorithm to noise is the key to the success. Hottopixx has been shown to be robust to noise, and its robustness can be further enhanced through postprocessing. However, there is a drawback. Hottopixx and its postprocessing require us to estimate the noise level involved in the matrix we want to factorize before running, since they use it as part of the input data. The noise-level estimation is not an easy task. In this paper, we overcome this drawback. We present a refinement of Hottopixx and its postprocessing that runs without prior knowledge of the noise level. We show that the refinement has almost the same robustness to noise as the original algorithm.
翻译:由Bittorf等人在2012年NIPS NIPS NIPS 上提议的热托皮xx是一个在分离假设下解决非负矩阵因子化(NMF)问题的算法。可分离的NMF具有重要的应用,例如从文档中提取专题和分离超光谱图像。在这种应用中,对噪音的算法的稳健性是成功的关键。热托皮xx已被证明对噪音具有很强的威力,可通过后处理进一步提高其稳健性。然而,有一个缺陷。热托皮xx及其后处理要求我们在运行前估计矩阵中的噪音水平,因为它们将之用作输入数据的一部分。噪音水平估计并非易事。在本文中,我们克服了这一缺陷。我们展示了对热托皮xx及其后处理的精细化过程,这种改进与最初的算法几乎相同。